Here is a list of segments of ministry in our church:

Celestial Church Of Christ               

Children Ministry

To see our children experience an exciting personal relationship with Jesus Christ and receiving a biblical education equipping them to live for Christ and share Him with others throughout their lifetime.

Youth Ministry

To see the youths excited about their relationship with Christ and powerfully impact their friends, community and world for Him. And organizing summer programs for the youths.

Adult Ministry

To see each adult involved in discipleship activities which result in individual spiritual growth and caring biblical lifestyle.

Evangelism/Social Action

To win souls for Christ through evangelism. And to personally and corporately share Jesus Christ with others both in Word and Deed, resulting in our community, city, country and the world. Also, to provide clothing and food for the needy in our community.Counselling Ministry

To help counsel members in various areas they needed counselling therapy on issues relating to marriage and family, etc. And organizing mentorship programs that builds self-esteem and instil family values.

Marriage & Family Ministry

To assist parents and couples in their teaching roles used in fostering faith and a deeper family spirituality within their homes. To provide support and guidance to families, singles, divorced, widows, etc relating to their family life or personal life.

Bible Fellowship

To provide a bible class experience where we could all learn about the scripture together. We are challenged to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and trained to mature in Him.